Dream. Sometimes you got to close your eyes and envision the future.
I'm Neeraj Dalal, a web developer from New Delhi, India.
And I will help you to turn your vision into reality.
Improving npm with Bun: A Better npm Experience
Learn how to enhance your npm and npx commands by conditionally using Bun if it is installed, resulting in faster and more efficient package management.
a month ago
Setting Up Next.js like a Senior Developer
A guide to setting up a modern Next.js project with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and advanced tooling like ESLint, Prettier, and Commitlint.
a month ago
Researching my way through YouTube
How YouTube works and what to do to grow your channel
7 months ago
Learn Web Development
How to get started in 2024, and some useful resources
10 months ago
A tool for developers to streamline navigation and bookmarking across pages
10 months ago
Mastering JavaScript
What to learn? What to use? And more...
10 months ago
Redirect Link (SAAS Product)
rdt.li self hostable, feature rich, minimalistic and open source URL shortener. Built with Next.js, Drizzle, NextAuth and Postgres.
Serpwe (SAAS Product)
Generate keyword ideas, group similar keywords, and organize them into topical clusters - a product of Warewe
Hetrolinks (SAAS Product)
Instantly Repair Broken Amazon Affiliate Links - a product of Warewe
Next.js App
rdt.li self hostable, feature rich, minimalistic and open source URL shortener. Built with Next.js, Drizzle, NextAuth and Postgres
Shadcn UI Snippets
VS Code Extension
Simply import and use shadcn-ui components in your project
Starter Template
An open source Next.js bare starter with step-by-step instructions if required. Built with Next.js 14, Drizzle (Postgres), NextAuth/Auth.js
Next.js App
JioTV HD Streaming Free on Browser / Android / Android TV
Google Parser
npm package
HTTP based Google Search Results scraper/parser
My Resources
Mac Setup
Apps I use, CLI tools & more
a few seconds ago
Hiking Gear
Essentials for a hiking trip
4 months ago
I honestly believe you'll love some if not all of it
4 months ago
Catching up on what I'm reading, watching, and listening to
7 months ago